B52 >> Bomber,
Bomberpilot, Kriegsflugzeuge
Mai 2008 - auf der Website boeing.com wird geprahlt:
The B-52 Stratofortress is a long-range, strategic heavy bomber capable of dropping or launching the widest array of weapons in the U.S. inventory. The latest version, the B-52H, can carry up to 20 air-launched cruise missiles.
Used for strategic attack, air interdiction, offensive counter-air and maritime operations, its capabilities include:
Carrying nuclear or precision-guided conventional ordnance, including gravity bombs, cluster bombs, precision guided missiles and joint direct attack munitions
Delivering approximately 70,000 pounds of mixed payload, both internally and on external pylons
Combat range exceeding 8,800 miles (7,652 nautical miles) unrefueled -- can be refueled aerially
High subsonic speeds up to 650 miles per hour, or Mach 0.86
Flying at altitudes up to 50,000 feet (15,166.6 meters)
Low-altitude flight capability, augmented by its electro-optical viewing system
The B-52 entered military service in 1954. Ongoing updates have included new avionics, data-link communications, electronic defense and offensive systems, and more powerful, fuel-efficient turbofan engines. Used in Operation Iraqi Freedom, the B-52 has been the longest-serving bomber U.S. military history.
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